In the summer of 1954, the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano undertook the publication of GOYA. Revista de Arte, which was a true event in the meager cultural panorama of Spain at the time. With such a happy initiative its founder, the illustrious historian, professor, academic and art critic José Camón Aznar (Zaragoza 1898 - Madrid 1979), director of the Foundation from 1951 until his death, intended to cover a front until then practically unguarded in our cultural publications, to create the great Spanish art magazine, in the style of the most prestigious abroad. The very fact of placing the new magazine under the title of Goya, the painter who, rooted in tradition, has opened new paths to the most audacious techniques and inspirations of modern art, is clear proof of the intentions and objectives that guided Professor Camón Aznar. This is how he put it in the presentation of the first issue -corresponding to the months of July and August of that distant year of 1954- in a few lines illustrated with a photograph by José Lázaro, a fervent admirer of the brilliant Aragonese artist, because in a way our magazine comes to continue the work of spreading culture and art carried out by La España Moderna, the most beloved of the editorial creations of the great collector and bibliophile from Navarre.
Since then, for more than half a century, GOYA has been published uninterruptedly, first bimonthly and quarterly since 2008, constituting an impressive archive of data, ideas and images on the most varied aspects of the visual arts. Included in the Arts Humanities Citation Index, it occupies a privileged place among the scientific journals of its kind, enjoying great prestige among specialists and a very wide international diffusion, since it is subscribed to by the main museums, universities, libraries and cultural institutions of the world.
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